+31 (0)6-234 627 15 info at dutchtourcompany.com
Virtual tour in Amsterdam, guide and camera on the bridge

Private Tours
& Tastings
in Amsterdam

Private Tours in Amsterdam.

Contact us for more info.

Virtual and Live Amsterdam Tours

The perfect live virtual activity, to let your family, friends or students visit Amsterdam from their home!

Live,  insightful and fun virtual tours, where you learn all about Amsterdam, from a local guide.

These tours are delivered personally and live by us. 

Learn about: Amsterdam’s history, current events, social issues, Dutch architecture, Dutch and Amsterdam culture and personal stories. 

A perfect way to come in contact with a local Amsterdammer, ask questions, ‘visit’ Amsterdam and see it through the eyes of a local. 

>> Go to ‘Live Virtual Tours in Amsterdam’ >>




We had a wonderful and warmly guided tour led by Ian. His energy is never-ending and infectious, he has deep knowledge and love of his hometown. We loved spending time and learning with him that we booked additional time. We met Salome, her chocolate shop, their puppy, and felt like family by the time we left Amsterdam.

Mrs. R. Wasserman

>> Read more reviews here

The Dutch Tour Company is run by husband-and-wife team Salomé & Ian, since 2012.

Educational and cultural tours are our passion and our specialty. We have worked with universities, high schools, companies, travel clubs and travel operators from all over the world.

We love to amaze people with our programs!

~ Contact Us ! ~

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